About Hnnoix

HNNOIX India is committed to being at the forefront of innovation, specializing in transformative technologies and smart solutions. We advance fields such as 6G, IoT, healthcare, agriculture, and other emerging areas. Our expertise includes developing 6G solutions for 3GPP standardization and providing OEMs with tailored solutions for diverse 5G and 6G features.
Our Offerings Include:
Research and Innovation: Development of cutting-edge products and technologies, including patents for future advancements, with options for licensing and ownership transfer.
Wireless 6G Research Consultancy: Expert consultancy services for both industry and academia.
Innovation Academy: Facilitating innovation studies and research across various fields.
Healthcare, Public, and Agriculture Innovations: Offering specialized services and products to drive advancements in these critical areas.


Research and Innovations

About CEO

Hargovind Bansal has 17 years of experience leading technology initiatives for multinational corporations based in the USA and China. An internationally recognized inventor, he has filed over 200 patents across various technology sectors, many of which have become global standards and generated substantial revenue. Bansal is also a celebrated author of a widely released technology book and served as a board member/contributor on the various forums and boards set up by the Government of India, responsible for different tasks regarding emerging technology. Furthermore, he is a distinguished speaker at numerous national and international forums.

HNNOIX  latest 6G Workshops and IP Sessions